Citizen Science – Trash Survey Results for Arcade Creek at Garfield Bridge
Gary Hare had the help of Mira Loma High School students in collecting and categorizing the garbage under the bridge on the morning of the Creek Week clean-up – Saturday, April 29, 2017. Read his report for details and more pictures. Wonder why there were so many glass items found here?
Soil Conservation Project on the Bank of Arcade Creek
A big thank you to Tim Vendlinski for being the brains behind this complicated repair. Thanks to the Mira Loma High School “Special Ops Team” for supplying the brawn on Saturday, April 29. We are proud to count this soil conservation effort as a Creek Week 2017 project! soil conservation effort – more photos and story…
Creek Week 2017 Celebration Time!
Red Shoe Productions entertained us! See more photos. Thank you to Carmichael Recreation & Park District for hosting the Celebration at beautiful Carmichael Park; to Carmichael Chamber of Commerce for cooking and serving lunch to over 1,000 people; to the twenty exhibitors who shared entertaining educational activities; to Mira Loma High School and Sac Suburban Kiwanis…
Salmon Sighting Update – Arcade Creek
Dec. 19. 2016 John Mayfield reported a sighting of a Chinook salmon on a small tributary running through a residential/rural neighborhood north of Orange Grove Ave. This makes 6 now so far this fall! Dec. 11, 2016 – John Mayfield reported sighting a large fish, most likely a salmon, swiftly swimming upstream under the Bus.…
Chinook in Arcade Creek
Another live Chinook upstream of the Pasadena Ave. bridge. So, this is now the 3rd salmon that has been reported at the Pasadena bridge this fall! And the 2nd documented in photographs. These photos, taken by Randy Smith, show the fish swimming up the creek and a close-up showing the Chinook markings on it’s back…
Volunteers Needed for Salmon Surveys!
Many of you may not know that we have Chinook salmon in some of our local urban creeks! If you live by a creek, please let Bill Templin wetemplin@att.net know if you’re seeing salmon in your local creek. If you are interested in learning more about this and would like to get some first-hand experience… Gregg Bates…
Creek Week 2017 Update
The next county-wide creek clean-up will be the morning of Saturday, April 29, 2017. Thanks to all the volunteers and sponsors who made Creek Week 2016 a success! See our Results Report for Creek Week 2016. Check our event website creekweek.net for further updates and to register to volunteer.
Salmon spotted in Arcade Creek
December 26, 2015 – Bill Templin and Doug Masterson documented and photographed a live Chinook Salmon at the USGS Gaging Station in Arcade Creek just upstream of Watt Ave. Photo to the left. Dec. 27, 2015 – Randy Smith, local resident along Arcade Creek reported having seen a Chinook Salmon swimming in Arcade Creek near…
Creek Week 2014
Mark your calendar for April 12, 2014. Volunteers will clean Sacramento region creeks from 9 until noon. Then all are invited to the Celebration at Carmichael Park for a hot dog lunch & entertainment. Volunteer registration will open March 1 at http://www.creekweek.net/ Check the Creek Week web site for other Creek Week activities that will…