The Sacramento Area Creeks Council cooperates with and supports the all-volunteer River City Waterway Alliance which is the main force for cleaning our local waterways.
Over 1,000,000 lbs of debris removed in 2023
In January 2023, four individuals, Mark Baker, Kathleen Farren Ford, David Ingram, and Lisa Sanchez, started the grassroots organization known as River City Waterway Alliance (RCWA). Their goal: to clean, restore, and protect the imperiled waterways of the Sacramento region. With a growing team of volunteers, affectionately referred to as “badgers,” over 1 million lbs of debris was removed from our waterways in their first 11 months. RCWA received an award for “Environmentalist of the Year” by the Environmental Council of Sacramento. They also were recognized by the Sacramento Environmental Commission for “Outstanding Environmental Leadership”. And this is just their first year!
To learn more, click here to watch the Capital Public Radio interview.
Join us on a cleanup!
If you’d like to volunteer on one of our cleanups check out our Facebook page by clicking River City Waterway Alliance Events
Past events can be seen on our YouTube Channel.
Drop a note to if you’d like to be on our email list. We’ll keep you updated on future cleanup events.
As an all volunteer organization we can use your help!