Due to the COVID-19 response, Creek Week 2020 has been postponed to the fall, if feasible, or to 2021.
Creek Week typically Creekweek 2020 poster_final (1)Creekweek 2020 poster_final (1)begins with the Splash Off. During this event, the Creek Steward Award is presented to a program in recognition of their actions that have benefited our local creeks and environment. In addition, all sponsors are publicly recognized for their contributions to Creek Week.
Activities during the days leading up to the clean-up consist of a variety of nature tours that showcase creeks. Adults and children learn about the importance of plants and animals inhabiting our creeks and creek corridors and their important roles in the ecosystem.
Creek Week culminates on a Saturday, with volunteers joining to clear trash from more than 80 different creek sites in Sacramento County. Some volunteers choose to do water quality testing at their clean-up site. Volunteers at some sites remove invasive non-native plants that overpower native plants and choke our local waterways. Clean-up activities help maintain or improve the riparian habitat along many stream and creek corridors, provide opportunities to connect people to their natural environment, increase awareness of the need for water conservation and reduce flood risk. The clean-up is followed by a celebration at Carmichael Park – complete with food, entertainment, interactive exhibits and contests.