Community Participation Makes it Possible –
Please Get Involved
Anyone who values the Sacramento Valley watershed – including the natural creeks in our communities – and who would like to help protect these precious resources is invited to be a part of the Sacramento Area Creeks Council in whatever way you are able to.
The all-volunteer Sacramento Area Creeks Council is completely self supporting. Our many important programs and activities are funded entirely by grants, private donations, and business sponsorships of events and activities. Volunteers at our events make them successful.
Volunteer with one of our affiliate groups:
River City Waterway Alliance: RCWA volunteers work to clean our creeks and rivers several times every week. Click here to learn more about the River City Waterway Alliance or go to their event schedule on Facebook.
Elk Grove Anti-Trash Volunteers: EGAT members tackle the city of Elk Grove’s ongoing litter and illegal dumping problems in its parks, trails, waterways, fields, and streets. Click here to learn more or go to their Facebook page.
Arcade Creek Adopt a Creek Program is a dedicated group of volunteers who have been cleaning up Arcade Creek for many years. Click here to learn more or see their Facebook page.
Dry Creek Conservancy is a Nonprofit dedicated to protecting the Dry Cry Creek watershed in Placer and Sacramento Counties. Check out their website or their Facebook page to see the latest news.
The Waterbird Habitat Project is dedicated to ridding the American River of abandoned fishing gear, which threaten the lives and safety of waterbirds, fish and other wildlife, which make the American River their home, while supporting recreational activities in this dynamic urban waterway. See photos of their projects on Facebook.