Board of Directors

President Alta Tura

Vice President Steve Mayer

Secretary Bill Templin

Treasurer Chad Rinde

Directors:     Ed Clark   Steve Mayer   Chad Rinde    Bill Templin   Alta Tura


*Attendance at monthly board meetings

*Participation in at least one existing program:

Creek Week planning and execution

Education/Outreach, i.e. Exhibit, intern management

Commenting on development issues

Watershed group participation and/or

*Participation in the planning and development of one new project or program (optional):

Adopt-a-Creek to facilitate regular volunteer cleanups of local waterways

Stream restoration

Fund raising


A loyal board and planning committee have been working for 30 years to make Creek Week one of our region’s premier volunteer stewardship events. Several members are preparing to retire over the next few years. We seek new leaders who want to sustain Creek Week’s success and shape its future.

Would you consider being a Sacramento Area Creeks Council board member?

Your skills and talents and connections can be used to our advantage.

We meet on the third Monday (fourth Monday if holiday) every month but July and August.

All are welcome to attend our board meetings and learn more about what we do.

Board Member Bios

Alta Tura, president: Alta has worked as a volunteer exclusively since her retirement as an elementary school teacher in 1995. She heads planning for the annual Creek Week which provides volunteers the opportunity to clean Sacramento County creeks of man-made garbage and invasive plants every spring. Alta is Secretary of the Laguna Creek Watershed Council, a nonprofit group whose mission is to protect and restore the many benefits Laguna Creek and neighboring waterways provide. Alta also serves on the Habitat 2020 committee. Updated 2-04-20

Bill Templin, Secretary: Bill is a retired Environmental Scientist with the California Department of Water Resources and Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. Previously Bill had a 30- year career with the Federal government (U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Forest Service)  He served as Watershed Coordinator for the North Fork American River Watershed from June 2004 until October 2007, then began his State career. Bill is actively involved as a Board Member on several non-profit watershed and sportsmen’s organizations in the Sacramento and Fresno areas.   Updated 2-04-2020

Chad Rinde, Treasurer

Ed Clark: A graduate of California Polytechnic University Pomona in Behavioral Science. A Certified California Naturalist, President of the Dry Creek Conservancy. A member of the Sierra Club and the Nature Conservatory. Ed has been active in the Sacramento Area Creeks Council for over 10 years. Updated 11-18-2020

Steven K. Mayer, Vice President: Steven is the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Environmental Coordinator for the former McClellan AFB. Steve oversees all aspects of accelerated cleanup, program management, and disposal of all excess base property, the first privatized clean-up of a Superfund site in the nation. Steve leads the Creek Week volunteer clean-up at McClellan. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Geological Engineering from the University ofMinnesota and is a Registered Professional Civil Engineer in the State of California.

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