The Sacramento Area Creeks Council (SACC) preserves, protects, restores and maintains the natural streams in our urban communities through education, advocacy, financial support and technical expertise. Our goal is to educate the general public on the aesthetic, recreational, educational, and ecological value of our urban creeks.
Anyone who values the Sacramento Valley watershed — including the natural creeks in our communities — and who would like to participate in the ever-challenging effort to preserve our region’s fragile and vulnerable creeks is invited to attend our monthly board meetings and consider becoming a supporter of the Sacramento Area Creeks Council.
We seek to promote public and private care of natural streams through education, advocacy and hands-on activity. Educational materials, workshops and field outings are some of the tools we use to achieve our goals. Others include:
- Support for creek, open-space and neighborhood cleanups.
- Participation in the decision-making processes that affect the health of area creeks.
- Participation in land-use planning processes that promote creek preservation, sound flood control project design, habitat restoration, and effective stream bank stabilization methods.
- Support on-going volunteer water-quality monitoring efforts.
- Co-sponsor grants to preserve and restore creeks and their natural corridors.
- Hold educational and community workshops on creek issues, such as the Aquatic Institute for teachers.
We offer educational materials and participate in neighborhood fairs and public events. We work with schools, neighborhoods, and youth groups to encourage creek clean ups and restoration. We cooperate with city and county efforts to reduce pollution from stormwater runoff and cooperate with other organizations to monitor development along stream corridors. Participation is open to all interested parties.
Board meetings are generally held the fourth Monday of each month by Zoom. Please call (916) 897 – 1877 or email info@saccreeks.org for specific meeting dates and times.
Donations are always appreciated. Each donor will receive detailed information about ongoing events and activities supported by SACC . Sacramento Area Creeks Council is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible. Fed. ID # 26-3676166 . To donate