At our annual Creek Week Celebration clean ups each April, we often hear the question, “So when can we do this again?” To which we usually have to answer… “Not until next year…” Well, one of our site leaders, Tanja , and her crew of volunteers went the extra mile (setting a good example for the rest of us) and organized another clean up in her area and one of our Board Members, Bill Templin, was able to attend and take some photos of their well-coordinated efforts.
This channel is part of the Reclamation District 1000’s area and they were right there to help haul stuff away that volunteers pulled from the creek and adjacent parkway. They also kindly mowed down the tall weeds along the creek so people could find the trash easier… and help reduce the chance of a grass fire causing big time damage to the area… Bill noticed that there had been a recent grass fire just before the clean up, so maybe mowing the grass helped to keep that fire a small one.
Lots of visitors were noticed using the area for walking and even berry picking… and viewing the scenic beauty of the area as shown in the following photos.